Tuesday 21 May 2013

Managed Leased Line Network (MLLN)

The MLLN is a Managed Leased Line Network system which is proposed to provide Leased line connectivity. With the State-of-the-art technology equipment,MLLN is designed mainly for having effective control and monitor on the leased line so that the down time is very much minimised and the circuit efficiency is increased thus achieving more customer satisfaction. This mainly deals with data circuits ranging from 64 KBPs to 2048 KBPs.
In MLLN network conventional PCM primary MUX and subscriber Modems are replaced by versatile MUX and network terminating units respectively. MLLN mainly consists of Digital Cross Connect (DXC), versatile MUX (V MUX), Network Terminating Units (NTU) and Network Management System(NMS). DXC's and VMUX's are inter connected via optical fibre links with alternate routing facility in case of any route failure. VMUX is in turn connected to NTU's placed at customer premises through 2 wire copper pair. At the top of it NMS is suitably placed at the Central location for effective control & monitor. NTUs are fully managed from NMS. They are programmable for different data speeds ranging from 64 KBPs (nx64 KBPs: nx1 to 32) depending upon the customer demand, thus having bandwidth control without changing Modem at his premises. NTUs operate on 230V AC.

Features of MLLN
Control, Manage the leased line network
Bandwidth management as per the customer demand
Pro-active maintenance, without waiting for customer to book a complaint.
Self Diagnostic/software loops to check E1 connectivity to DXC, VMUX/software
loops for checking copper pair at NTU point for immediately identifying the faulty
section for trouble shooting .
Alternate routing in case of any route failure.
Generation of the periodic performance reports for self-analysis/customer.

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